Introduction Letter

There’s no question we’re living in crazy times right now; that’s simply undeniable. What our government fails to realize, however, is that WE THE PEOPLE are rising to the occasion; we are standing up to reject the fraud, abuse of power and the evil they have perpetrated upon us ALL. They removed God from the forefront, indoctrinated and programmed us all, poisoned our food supply, kept us sick, disenfranchised the core family, created “political correctness” (so everyone’s offended about everything), and they’ve done unspeakable things to children! 

Most importantly, they’ve distracted and divided us – whether by race, gender, political affiliation, religion etc. That’s been a key factor in their master plan, because the silent enemy KNOWS that “United we stand; divided we fall!”

Fortunately, the blinders have come off for many of us, so the buck stops here! Like our forefathers, we are building a team of warriors to create a state assembly for Michigan. Our mission is to define our state boundaries, write our constitution and bill of rights, settle our state and counties, go back to God’s law (common law) and kick the federal government off our land. “We the people” can take our land back in a very peaceful and lawful way. This can and will happen, and it requires action on the part of WE THE PEOPLE! It is our duty to take back what God gave us, because there is no white knight riding in to “save” us. Complacency and silence are no longer an option. We must come together to combat the evil and corruptness that has enslaved each and every one of us!

Our assembly is currently working in tandem with other states, as they’ve already accomplished some rather significant things. We’re all still learning how government was intended to work. To our dismay, it’s contrary of course, to virtually everything we’ve been taught. We discovered that when a state is settled and free, they become a “De Jure” state vs. a “De Facto” state. What’s the difference you ask? Let us explain:

-De Facto: A Latin expression that means “In fact, in reality, in actual existence, as a matter of fact.” Existing, but not by law. (This is our current status as part of the bankrupt service corporation. This is where codes, rules, regulations, statutes, ordinances etc. come into play. These words are used to describe our “legal” system, which is fraudulent and not “lawful.” There’s a big difference!)
-De Jure: A Latin expression that means “A state of affairs that is in accordance with law, legitimate, lawful, or by right of law.” (This is our end goal, to become Michigan De Jure – to exercise the supreme law of the land; God’s law; common law. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”)

We are pleased to announce that our assembly is in the process of selecting our team as we speak. With that said, we are seeking 35-50 passionate patriots who are willing to dedicate a couple hours per week in this fight for freedom! As part of our screening process, we ask that you review a few videos, on the Recommended Educational Videos and Documentaries page of this web-site. Because we’re all at different stages of this learning curve, these videos provide us all with a common foundation and starting point. The video page is linked below.

As with everything we’ve come to know to date, there are evil imposters claiming to be doing similar things as us, when in fact they’re suggesting people “paper up” and become state nationals. Walk away because this will change the status you were born with. As you may or may not know, you DO NOT need to correct your status because you’re already a private, free American. The corporate “fiction” of you was created through fraud, the stealing of your name for profit. We all need to realize we were born private and free; we just need to learn how to act like it and know our rights. That’s why we’re coming together as an assembly! Do your own research of course, use your discernment and learn to trust your instincts and intuition once again!

​Like us, did you grow up believing the United States was the “LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE?” That’s what all the history books told us, right? Over the years, we began to realize the entire “system” was broke, and while I couldn’t put my finger on it precisely back then, I knew I’d become an economic slave stripped of my rights. Have you ever felt that way? That was a tough pill to swallow; hence this truth-seeking journey.

While we continue to discover new revelations daily, here are just a few examples of our findings:

-Washington DC is a foreign land (NOT part of the United States)
-The United States is a bankrupt corporation (they operate under admiralty law, NOT the supreme law of the land – God’s law)
-Statutes, regulations and ordinances are legal terms, and part of the corporation, but they are NOT laws
-Government officials (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, court clerks, police officers, sheriffs etc. are nothing more than “employees” of a corporation and they hold no jurisdiction over a man or woman unless we give our consent)
-We’re essentially “owned and traded” by Washington DC, the Vatican, the crown and the central banks by way of our birth certificates, social security cards, etc. They own our assets too (house, cars, and even our children).
-The IRS is a profit center for government / Federal Reserve. We should NOT be taxed on the fruits of our labor -Elections have been rigged for decades to ensure corrupt back-door agendas continue their course
-911 was an “inside job” (with no regard for casualties) Wars have been manufactured for the sake of financially profiting from them (again, with no regard for casualties)
-Covid-19 is a patented bio-weapon intended for genocide, as is the vaccination
-Human, drug and weapons trafficking is HUGE, and conducted largely in underground tunnels by government agencies, churches,
-Hollywood and the like I could go on-and-on-and-on!

The depth and breadth of the corruption and fraud perpetrated on WE THE PEOPLE, is unimaginable! Virtually everything we’ve been taught and conditioned to believe is a lie – an absolute LIE!!! This journey has certainly been, and continues to be, very eye-opening! It’s made us sad, frustrated and mad, but more importantly it’s FUELED A BURNING DESIRE TO TAKE BACK OUR GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM!!! Are you with us?

WE ARE AT WAR – this is informational warfare super-sized (truth vs. lies and good vs. evil). It’s time we lift the blinders, and see the light. Free-thought is our weapon, so prepare for combat. We are curious if any of this information has fueled your flame like it did ours? If so, We welcome you to consider joining our national assembly group. We represent Michigan and our goal is to lawfully define and take back our state and then kick the federal government off our land. We’re looking for WARRIORS who realize that “FREEDOM ISN’T FREE.” Instead, it must be fought for and defended. Are you with us?

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